a cross-disciplinary portfolio.


full stack dev

Liz has a passion for UI. There's just something about bringing the code to life in the form of engaging, responsive interfaces and websites that sets her creative soul aflame. She uses this fiery passion to help brands actualize their visions and give express herself through her own personal projects. Experienced with Bootstrap, Material UI, React, and more.

And what's a pretty face without substance behind it? Behind every UI is its well-oiled backend and, with experience in full-stack development, object-oriented programming, and knowledge in several backend languages and frameworks like Java and Spring Boot, C# and ASP.Net CORE, JavaScript and Node.js, Liz feels confident diving into the logic behind the scenes.


graphic design+

Liz has created and designed graphics and marketing assets for clients spanning a variety of industries and specialties. She's experienced in creating logos, flyers, ad creative, wireframes, custom icons, and more.


Copy Writing & Content Creation

Liz is an experienced copy writer and adept in editing for social media, blogs, and advertising campaigns. Liz helps clients find and express their voice in an authentic way that resonates with their audiences.